Insurance for Janitorial Contractors
Helping Businesses in Ottawa with Insurance Coverage
Because of the personal nature of this business, the custodial personnel are allowed to enter into homes, offices and businesses. During the course of the cleaning damage may occur to the premises. The cleaners may also fail to use the correct products or devices or use them in an unacceptable fashion. As the owner you could be liable for any damage.
General liability
This will cover damage to a client’s property as well as any bodily injuries.
General liability
If any of your equipment is stolen, lost or damaged, this policy will provide coverage.
Program Advertising Injury
Advertising can be tricky. Use the wrong word or image and you could be open to a charge of slander or defamation of character. This coverage will protect you against those claims.
Installation Bonding
Because your cleaners will have access to residences and offices that contain personal items, this bonding will cover you for any loss of that kind of personal property.
Products Completed Operation
This coverage protects you when actions are conducted away from the premises and after those jobs are done.
Commercial Vehicle
If you use your personal car or other vehicles to transport equipment from one job to another, you should have insurance as a commercial vehicle. Your personal auto insurance will not cover a commercial operation.

If you are apart of a janitorial cleaning business service, please contact us to assure that you are fully covered for loss or damage during the operation of your